Photography Technique

Outrageous ISO: Digital Concert Photography at the Upper Limits of Low Light

2000 1294 Guest Author

Eric shares his experience (and Kodak P3200 film simulation recipe) for low light concert photos at outrageously high ISO.

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Five Best Films for Underwater Photography

2000 1326 Chloe Ellison

Though my grandparents lived in New Jersey, their cellar transported me to the mountains of Afghanistan, the heart of the Congo and the depths of the Pacific. They were avid collectors of National Geographic, the…

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Beginner’s Guide to Underwater Film Photography

2200 1462 Chloe Ellison

For beginners, shooting film can be a challenge. But shooting film underwater? Don’t dive without reading this guide.

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In Praise of Bad Photographs

2200 1506 Guest Author

While looking back through a fat binder full of negatives, I came to a realization: most of these photographs are bad.

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F/8 And Be There – the Unclear Origin of a Photographic Mantra and What It Really Means

2560 1440 James Tocchio

James explores the unclear origin of “f/8 and be there” and contemplates what the photographic mantra really means today.

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Redscale Film in ECN-2 and Trying Several New Things at Once

2000 1125 Juliet Schwab

Juliet shares her experience shooting and developing redscale film, with a bit of a think about trying new things in photography.

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You Don’t Need to be Good at Photography

2000 1125 Juliet Schwab

Need to feel inspired? In today’s article, Juliet reminds us that you don’t need to be good at photography to enjoy photography.

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Get Back Out There with Our Film Photography Scavenger Hunt

2000 1125 James Tocchio

Get back out in the world and have some fun. Download, shoot, and share with our Photography Scavenger Hunt!

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Advice for Hiking as a Film Photographer

2000 1125 Aidan Bell

Aiden gives some tips on combining hiking and photography, many of which he (regretfully) learned the hard way.

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Reverse Lens Macro Photography – Intro and How To Guide

2000 1124 Hemant Chatterji

Hemant offers quick tips and techniques for shooting extremely close macro photographs without buying any new gear at all!

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5 Photography Projects You Can Do Without Leaving the House

2560 1706 James Tocchio

James is sick and quarantined at home. Here are five photography-related projects for when we’re all stuck in the house. Stay healthy, have fun!

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How I Got Into Large Format Film Photography and How You Can Too

2560 1706 Guest Author

A friend of the site tells us how he got into large format film photography, and lays a path for you to take your first steps, too.

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Mastering the Zone System Part 3 : Making the Final Print

2560 1440 Cory Miller

Cory’s three part series on the Zone System and mastering darkroom printing wraps up today, in part three.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Free-Lensing

2560 1440 Charlotte Davis

Free-lensing allows us to use our existing camera kit to approximate the look of a tilt lens without the expense of specialized gear. Here’s a beginner’s guide.

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